TCI Student of the Month - March 2023 - Pleasant Valley High School

# Layne Hill of Pleasant Valley High School

TCI Student of the Month - March, 2023


Layne Hill - Pleasant Valley High School - TCI Student of the Month - March, 2023

Congratulations to Layne Hill, TCI’s Vocational Student of the Month for March 2023. Layne is 18 years old and is a senior at Pleasant Valley High School. She excels in her academic studies and extracurricular activities. During her time in high school, she has been involved in cheerleading, Beta Club, FCCLA, SGA, and the yearbook staff.

In her spare time, she enjoys working, hanging out with her family and friends, and traveling.

Her future plans include attending Gadsden State Community College’s Diagnostic Sonography Program to start her career in the medical field.

Layne’s career goals are to graduate college and start her career working in a hospital with an ultimate goal to work for a private practice clinic.

We honor Layne for outstanding achievement and look forward to seeing her pursue her goals.

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TCI Scholarship Program

TCI desires to support and encourage high school seniors who plan to pursue an associate degree or a certification in a trade/vocational field. With this in mind, we will be offering two scholarships to be awarded in May of each school year. In honor of TCI's Founder, the Kenneth Bice Vocational Scholarship will be awarded to well deserving students.

Each month a senior student enrolled in their local high school vocational/trade program will be selected to be recognized as the TCI Student of the Month. At the end of the school year, two students will be selected to receive a scholarship to apply to their educational cost as they further their education in their chosen field.

Learn about Scholarship Program

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